The Internet is the backbone of today’s world. It powers education and economy. It supports our health and well-being. And it connects us to our neighbors and to those we love. Americans without internet miss out on many of these benefits. Roughly 1 in 5 American households aren’t connected to the internet. That's a fifth of our country that's unable to fully participate in modern life.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law invests $65 billion to ensure that everyone in America can access affordable, reliable, and high-speed Internet service – Internet for All. The goal of these programs is to achieve digital equity through improved access and intentional, inclusive planning that leads to effective, impactful outcomes.

Companies Self-Certify Domestic Production for the BEAD Program
The Department of Commerce has released the Self Certification list, which allows manufacturers who have invested in domestic manufacturing to voluntarily ‘certify’ - at the risk of federal penalty - that certain equipment they make meets the domestic manufacturing requirement listed in the Build America, Buy America (BABA) waiver for the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program. This list is a direct response from manufacturer feedback that NTIA heard during the creation of the BABA waiver for the BEAD Program.
In the first iterations of the Self-Certification list (linked under “Approved Waivers”), twenty-five companies proactively self certified that they are making broadband equipment in the U.S that meets the domestic manufacturing requirement in the BABA waiver for the BEAD Program. NTIA will update the list as additional companies submit or amend the Self Certification submission form.
Disclaimer: NTIA is providing links to third-party, non-governmental company websites in order to offer additional context and added value. NTIA is not responsible, nor can NTIA or DOC guarantee the validity or timeliness of the content on hyperlinks outside of the Federal government. Links to non-Federal Government websites do not imply endorsement of any particular product, service, organization, company, information provider, or content.
High Speed Internet Initiatives
This report provides an overview of the work accomplished by NTIA’s Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) across its core responsibilities over the prior year as it administers the federal broadband grant programs of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (also known as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, and NTIA’s broadband technical assistance programs that facilitate access to affordable, high-speed Internet service.
The report highlights the accomplishments of NTIA’s Office of Internet Connectivity and Growth (OICG) over the past year, covers investments in federal broadband support programs and Universal Service Fund (USF) programs, and provides recommendations to improve efforts to track broadband spending and outcomes.
The map uses several different data sources to show information on broadband availability within the United States.
On March 9, 2022 NTIA kicked off a series of technical assistance webinars prior to the release of the Notice of Funding Opportunity for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act broadband programs.
BroadbandUSA’s Tribal Broadband Planning Toolkit aims to simplify the process for tribes. It provides the guidance, knowledge, and resources to design, implement, and then execute a broadband plan in tribal communities.