Welcome to the Communications Supply Chain Risk Information Partnership (C-SCRIP). C-SCRIP is a program designed to share supply chain security risk information with trusted communications providers and suppliers. Read more

What’s New
The Communications Supply Chain Risk Information Partnership (C-SCRIP) held its first webinar for stakeholders on Monday, August 8. This program featured… read more.
This month, NTIA’s Communications Supply Chain Risk Information Partnership (C-SCRIP) is beginning a broad public outreach program by sending out its first… read more.
Cyber Alerts
FCC Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program
The FCC has announced the addition of cybersecurity and anti-virus software produced or provided by Kaspersky Lab, Inc., together with all affiliates, subsidiaries, and parent companies (Kaspersky), to the list of communications equipment and services (Covered List) that have been determined to pose an unacceptable risk to the national security of the United States or the security and safety of United States persons.
(Submitted to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation House of Representatives Committee on Energy and Commerce on January 10, 2023)